Location per food team building

#DrinknDraw – Diemme Food @ Corefood – December 2021


@ Corefood, Cormano (MI)
December 2021
Diemme Food

In 2021, the Diemme Food company celebrated thirteen years of activity.
This corporate story was led with a solid team made up of people who have known each other for a long time.
The activity was useful for deepening personal knowledge between colleagues, with the aim of paying mutual homage for the goals and successes achieved by the company in these 13 years.

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    Team building divertenti che creano coesione

    #DrinknDraw with music – CAPCO @ Museo della Barca Lariana, Pianello del Lario (CO) – October 2021

    #DrinknDraw with music

    @ Museo della Barca Lariana, Pianello del Lario (CO)
    October 2021

    A series of corporate successes required, in this case, a simple moment of leisure and well-being to balance “people’s climate”.
    To do this, a guided tour of the Museo della Barca Lariana was organized with consequent playful team building activities and a gala dinner with live music.
    The group moved by bus from Hilton Lake Como, with a historical tour guide who told the wonders of the western side of one of the most famous lakes in the world: the Como Lake.

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      Team building Corefab indoor

      #DrinknDraw – MIP Business School @ AgriParco Hub, Monza – October 2021


      @ Agriparco Hub della Fondazione Tavecchio, Monza (MB)
      September 2021
      MIP Business School del Politecnico di Milano

      How to combine inclusion and sustainability within a process to become the leader of the future?
      By building a special wine label that tells the story of a Monza Barbera wine that has re-emerged after 150 years of absence.
      A way to exercise how to best conduct the near future, while respecting some fundamental issues for the balance of human resources.

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        drinkndraw team building con Corefab

        #DrinknDraw – DELOITTE @ Spazio Parco Buccinasco – September 2021


        @ Spazio Parco, Buccinasco (MI)
        September 2021

        The international scenario requires great reflections.
        And these must be constant over time. One of the great issues remains that of inclusion.
        How to accept, appreciate and make your own any differences that, to tell the truth, can only contribute to the improvement of cultural processes. Exploiting the peculiarities of the Drink'n Draw format we thought about these issues, generating awareness and energy in a very young and determined team.

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          Team building Lago di Como wine experience

          #DrinknDraw – ABB @ Golf Club Menaggio – September 2021


          @ Golf Club Menaggio, Menaggio (CO)
          September 2021

          Eight senior company executives shared, through a team building activity, the analysis of their work and their company.
          Trying, in an objective and fun way, to analyze their work and send out a signal for the next challenges.

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            team building incentive assaggio vino Milano

            #DrinknDraw – Docenti dell’Istituto Severi Correnti @ Istituto Severi Correnti – September 2021


            @ Istituto Severi Correnti, Milano
            September 2021
            Istituto Severi Correnti (docenti)

            At the beginning of a new school year, the new principal felt it necessary to share with all the teaching staff (over 150),
            an activity that included the analysis of the birth of one's school.
            This is to restore identity to an institution that is experienced every day by about 1500 students and where the collaboration between teachers and non-teaching staff
            it is essential to facilitate the learning of children.

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              team building esperienziale Milano

              #GuardareOltre – May 2021 – Domitys Quarto Verde


              @ Domitys Quarto Verde, Bergamo
              May 2021

              We worked on the theme of care with the staff of the private residence for the elderly.
              Every time a new staff meets and starts collaborating (as was the case with Domitys)
              it is necessary to set up a relationship right away that favors care, so that this (in the specific case of the residence)
              can also be transmitted to one's own clients, patients, guests.

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              • #GuardareOltre
              • #GuardareOltre
              • #GuardareOltre
              • #GuardareOltre
              • #GuardareOltre
              • #GuardareOltre
              • #GuardareOltre
              • #GuardareOltre
              • #GuardareOltre
              • #GuardareOltre
              • #GuardareOltre
              • #GuardareOltre
              • #GuardareOltre
              • #GuardareOltre
              • #GuardareOltre
              • #GuardareOltre
              • #GuardareOltre
              • #GuardareOltre


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                #drinkndraw – April 2021 – Agriturismo Castello di Vezio, Varenna (LC)


                @ Castello di Vezio, Varenna (CO)
                April 2021
                Agriturismo Castello di Vezio (CO)

                At the end of a deadlock due to the pandemic,
                it was necessary to rebuild the climate of trust between collaborators who have been away for a long time and have not had the chance to collaborate.
                Our Drink'n Draw has proved useful for generating new energy and awareness in collaborators.

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                  #mixologyclass – February 2021 – Sintetica SA, Mendrisio (CH)


                  @ Sintetica SA, Mendrisio – Switzerland
                  February 2021
                  Sintetica SA

                  In this case, the company request was to create a fun moment of leisure among collaborators,
                  with the aim of lightening the full immersion destined for the reconstruction of some company assets.
                  To do this, we conducted a master class on the history of the most famous Italian aperitifs.

                  • finger food team building Milano
                  • Cocktail team building mixology Milano
                  • Kit preparazione cocktail
                  • cocktail class team building Milano
                  • team building 2021 con mascherine
                  • team building cocktail class MIlano
                  • Attività di formazione aziendale con mascherina
                  • Mixology class Milano
                  • lezione di cocktail Milano con mascherina 2021
                  • Foto in bianco e nero di una bartender
                  • Realizzazione di un cocktail
                  • team building da remoto
                  • finger food team building
                  • Finger food Milano team building
                  • finger food Milano team building
                  • Preparazione di un cocktail Milano
                  • team building Milano 2021
                  • cocktail class Milano
                  • formazione team building Milano
                  • team building Finger food Milano
                  • Team building Milano con mascherine
                  • attività team building seguendo disposizioni dpcm
                  • occorrente per realizzare un cocktail spritz
                  • 3 bicchieri di cocktail italiano
                  • Sintetica attività di team building
                  • Preparazione per team building indoor Milano
                  • Attività di team building seguendo le disposizioni del nuovo dpcm
                  • Finger food class Milano
                  • Allestimento tavolo per evento aziendale Milano
                  • Finger food e cocktail eventi Milano
                  • Finger food e cocktail evento aziendale Milano

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